Wolfhound (2006)
Lets take this piece by piece
14 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
1) Story - 4 out of 10. Really, whom are they trying to surprise with scenario of a hero, who's parents are killed by main villain and the movie ends with this villain killed by - *surprise* - a son that was left alive for no apparent reason? *Spoiler be here:* 4 points I give for the twist of a noble bridegroom who gave up his bride. But that is, like, 5 last minutes of the film?

2) Acting - 2 out of 10. Oh, yes, if Your idea of acting is keeping facial expression constant for the whole movie - add 4 points. If You are a fan of silent movies - add 4 more points, because NOBODY IN THIS MOVIE SAYS MORE THAN 2 REAL SENTENCES IN ONE DIALOGUE. And no jokes, no emotions, no nothing...

3) Special effects - 6 out of 10. Mist monsters were well done, rock monstrosity - good, only it did not do anything. Except petrify the traitor, roar a bit and die.. And the light-saber thing - guys, have you seen StarWars? Rest of the effects were spoiled by just have-I-seen-this-somewhere feeling, if You happened to have seen Lord of The Rings, that is. To sum it up - not quite bad, but if this is the largest post USSR budget movie... signs are not good.

4) Fight scenes - 4 out of 10. No fancies - just whack em with the sword. *Spoiler* the only fight the good side lost is where the Wolfhound is absent.. kind of kills the suspense. No other came even close.
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