A whimsical anti-racial comedy about a Muslim community in the middle of the Canadian prairies.
10 January 2007
Having caught the first episode this evening, I was pleasantly surprised that the CBC has produced a quality comedy, even in light of the controversial content. This show should earn notoriety through its fine acting, intelligent commentary, and its combination of palatable slapstick and wry humour, thankfully with heavier emphasis on the latter. Instead the controversy behind the fact that it is primarily about a group of people that follow a religion that has been completely demonized in the western world has powered its media attention. Their is nothing about this comedy that should incense people, it is not a Muslim extremist justifier, it is not an attempt to integrate violent people into docile Canadian culture. It is just what it should appear to be: a fish-out-of-water comedy with a relevant, modern twist. The hatred and prejudice that has been spewed about this show (weeks before it aired even its first episode) is completely unjustified (and plain old racist in my opinion) can only show that those doing the spewing haven't even watched the show, and due to their own shortcomings, probably never will. Too bad, cause its damn funny.
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