When Virgins Raise a Kid
10 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry people, but gag me with a fork here, OK? I only remember this show from watching it on a regular basis when it first aired or soon afterward in reruns. This show used to frustrate the HELL out of me as a kid (I was probably around Eddies age in real life). The Dad would never get anywhere with a woman. Also, that song would drone over and over in my head for days until it was maddening! As a kid I would root for Bill Bixbie to date the Asian chick, did anyone else think like that? She was getting the shaft also in that show, it was all about little Eddie. Gotta make Eddie happy, us Adults have no life outside Eddie! I have come to realize that this was the "If Virgins Had Kids" show. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big Bill Bixby fan from MFM, and TIH and the Elvis flicks he was in but there's a reason why this show isn't run much in repeats on popular networks, this was boring, frustrating TV to watch (Good Life Network doesn't count because I don't know anyone other than C band owners who get that channel). When I was a kid I used to root for Gilligan to get off that damn island, and for Eddies Father to get a woman, it ain't gonna happen because thats TV. It's really really cute, and maybe very wholesome so I give it that, but watching this on a regular basis would get pretty old today. Oh and heres a taste of real life people, Little Eddie (the actor) grew up to sing for the Dead Kennedy's (of the song "Holiday In Cambodia" and named after assinated Kennedy's fame) and is COVERED in tattoo's! That role was just too freaking cute to watch (or act) on a regular basis! If this WAS real life, I'd imagine Eddie doing the same thing as he grew up, kids are cute, very cute at this age but later on they're going to do their own thing and the nicer you are the more likely they are to screw it all up, take my word on it, lol. My advise, be an average at best parent so you can look up to your kids and be proud.
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