Don't Bother Watching - A Complete Waste Of Time
8 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
You would think that the combination of a peaceful and serene oasis type of setting with Nazi zombies thrown in it would make for a fun watch. In actuality, this movie would be a negative number on the fun scale. This is not scary, cool, exciting and definitely not worth the time. It is boring, impossible to understand at times, and visually painful. Even for those of you who watch these type of movies for a good laugh will be pained by this movies total lack of basically anything that makes watching movies an enjoyable hobby. There was only ONE part that I laughed at. In an attempt to win people over with sexuality there was this one funny part in the beginning of the film. The first two victims of the zombies were two young girls riding in a Jeep out to the oasis. They hop out of the Jeep and begin to walk around. It just so happens that are wearing short shorts with their butts hanging out. This would not be too funny except the fact that the camera stayed focused in on their butts for a good few minutes, catching every jiggle and movement of their flesh. After this good laugh I was tortured by the bad dialogue and plot, boring stretches where nothing happens, and the fact that it was filmed on really crappy film which causes parts of the movie, especially near the end, to be completely unrecognizable. There is no real action, no real cool deaths and no real reason to watch this movie. Trust me skip this one for even the cheesy movie hunters will be vomiting over how bad this one is.
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