It's a giant bug movie, what do you expect?
6 January 2007
See, there's this giant scorpion, and it's been mutated by government weapons testing or nuclear waste or something and - oh, what do you care? No one watches movies like this for the plot, for God's sake. You want to know if the bugs are any good, if it's any fun, if any of the chicks get their boobs out, right? Sadly, the answer is no, no and emphatically no.

The bugs are really, really rubbish, and look like nothing so much as plastic models blown up to giant size. If they paid for these effects, they should ask for their money back. The plot and characters are all Z-grade clones of Aliens, the acting is uniformly appalling - Jeff Fahey, we hardly knew ye - and the whole thing is about as much fun as, well, being eaten alive by a ginormous scorpion, actually. There are no good lines, no cool moments, not even any good deaths. As for the breasts, don't get me started. One very hot chick and one moderately nice-looking one, and both stay extremely fully clothed throughout.

Whatever the makers intended when they started out, this is a cheapo monster flick. Some things are expected - thrills, fun, gore, etc. They delivered on the gore, but forgot about everything else.
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