One endless cliché. Please get some new material.
5 January 2007
This entire movie was one endless cliché of Mormon culture: how they believe they are perceived by the world and how they believe the world perceives them. There is a scene where the fake missionaries are teaching the prospect about the Word of Wisdom and he replies something like, Not smoking and drinking was taught over 200 years ago, that was really progressive, and acts impressed. This comment of being progressive and forward thinking is over worked and has been for many decades. What would really be progressive is if the film showed the Mormon missionaries teaching fuel conservation and the prevention of global warming.

The perception of persecution by the non-believing rowdy guys in the town is getting very old too. In reality, people like that will harass anyone who is different, whether they are Mormon, Jewish, gay or even handicapped. It would be a shame if this movie perpetuated a feeling of Mormon persecution when it in fact it is not true. For example, through my work I have seen endless and unrelenting persecution of homosexuals in Utah by Mormons, far more then any persecution myself or my friends received from non-Mormons while I was a Mormon growing up in California.

Please get some new material. The endless cliché's of Mormon culture are getting old even for me and I haven't been involved in the Mormon church for over 18 years. I cannot imagine an entire life time of the same worn out stereotypes, prejudices and self-congratulating drivel.
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