Review of Bleed

Bleed (2002 Video)
Good for a budget
3 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First the story. The Obligatory murders to start things off and then we actually start some proper plot. Here we meet Maddy as she settles into a new job. Starts a relationship with her boss Shawn and later, at a pool party, meets up with more of his friends. There they tell her about the murder club. pretty soon members of this 'Club' are being murdered one by one. It sounds pretty cheesy but there are enough plot twists along the way to make for some interesting viewing.

Now onto the characters. First up is Maddy played by the brilliant horror actress Debbie Rochon. She manages to take on a lot of what the script throws at her. Unfortunately the rest of the cast isn't as credible. The only exception is Danny Wolske who plays Maddy's boyfriend Shawn, he plays the role well and is credible. Allen Nabours (Chris) is annoying. Orly Tepper (Tilly) is okay but forgettable. Ronnie Gene Whatever (Peter) and Laura Nativo (Who cares) also play bland and instantly forgettable characters. There's also some nice cameos by Julie Strain, Brinke and Lloyd Kaufmann. Julie acts with her breasts, Lloyd acts up and is unintentionally funny. Brinke does well though with her Cameo.

The camera and lighting are standard for low budget and nothing really to write home about. However during some moments (door crash) it seems to get quite blurry.

The script is written in a very confusing way. It constantly attempts to be more than the usual horror/slasher movie by trying to focus more on the varying relationships between that characters. However the relationships are mostly either boring or unrealistic. One example is Shawn telling Maddy 'This isn't you... I know you'. This line comes part though the movie. But they have only been going out for less than a week! In which they have had a small date, had sex and both went to a pool party. Thats it.

Actually on the subject of the pool party the whole scene seems to serve little reason but to show the various actresses nude and the various actors nude with tit flashes, butt reveals a peek-a-boo penis shots. I was squirming throughout the whole scene.

The body count is pretty good. Lots of blood is used in many of of deaths and it attempts to try impressive and original deaths throughout. However there are problems. One or two deaths show some bad effects and one in particular is very stupid (Girl stays in pool for what seems like ages as the killer moves forward very slowly to throw in a wire to electrocute her).

Overall this is good at a budget price or to rent. Watch though once and then leave alone.

Good Points: Debbie Rochon and Danny Wolske excel in the acting. Lots of gore and nudity for genre fans.

Bad points: The odd poor effect, some bad acting and a bizarre plot full of holes.
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