Sherman's march to the sea...
1 January 2007
This is one of my very favorite movies. I now own the DVD, but have watched it who knows how many times since childhood.

"Operation Petticoat" never fails to make me laugh. I don't have to give a synopsis here, since so many viewers before have summed it up nicely, but I wanted to throw in my two cents.

This movie is a perfect illustration of the notion that funny and filthy are not necessarily synonymous. Parents can watch this movie with their children and not be afraid of what their children are hearing or seeing. The writers have produced a script that is funny, without pandering to the lowest common denominator. The humor is a cut above, but easily understood by most viewers.

Other viewers have rightly praised Cary Grant's and Tony Curtis' performances. However, there are some other gems, not the least of which is Arthur O'Connell as the machinist's mate. "Have a piece of pig, Major." Gavin MacLeod as the beleaguered clerk, Hunkle; Dick Sergeant's Ensign Stovall; and George Dunn as the Prophet, singing his plaintive tune "You can't win, my friend" and predicting the early demise of Lt. Holden as they go scrounging for supplies.

It doesn't matter how low I'm feeling--this movie gives me a lift. It does not gloss over the deadly seriousness of war, but does show the truth that funny things often happen in the midst of the greatest chaos. In fact, to quote Nick Holden, "In confusion, there is profit." And a great deal of laughter.
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