a mixed bag
27 December 2006
Viewers preferring a straightforward story and/or closure may find this movie tough to take. Conversely, those who dig hidden meanings and symbolism might enjoy rooting through this film's convoluted nature.

Being a lover of both when done well I found Darkside Blues yo-yoed from obvious imagery to ridiculous obscurity. One viewing was enough to tell me I lacked the patience to sit through another attempt to clear up some minor confusion. This film tries hard to be profound and almost hits, but something within the deliberate obscurity falls short. The one saving grace to this film is its support characters. While protagonist Darkside is an empty focal point who is easily disregarded following his first few lines, the growth and depth of Mai, Selia, and Tatsuya is relatively decent given the plot's short time span and this almost balances the story's lackluster qualities.

In the end many plot holes are evident. Most questions are left unanswered. And, there's no true conclusion in sight. What one is offered is the turning point for a new era, not a resolution.
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