Awful acting , silly plot, ridiculous action sequences............
25 December 2006
This western looks what it is, a TV programme elongated to make it even more repetitious and boring than it would have been on the small screen.I am not sure who was worse -- Neville Brand,pulling faces, all gruff knockabout stupid amiability, William Smith, like Brand a fine actor when playing 'tough' roles, here struggling to play a nice guy,Shelley Morrison, as the ludricously expressionless and monotonous Native American woman who leads an outlaw gang ( yeah, right) or her knockabout sidekick, forever taking pratfalls entirely unamusingly.

This also has a ridiculous gunfight in which our hero Texas Rnagers simply ignore the bullets and engage the baddies in fisticuffs -- why the baddies didn't just shoot them, I don't know, except they were knockabout fools too and killing people wouldn't have been in keeping in a film made by amateurs for juveniles.

I am being unfair in criticising this as an adult, but one can only take as one finds....and this was execrable....
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