Farscape (1999–2003)
One of the best experiences of my life
22 December 2006
Thanks to the BBC I was introduced to this extremely wonderful and epic show! This show had everything, humor,action,thrills,great characters and the best drama! Now you may think I am not being objective,but when it comes to movies and TV shows I can be very critical! For me an excellent series is a show I can watch over and over again without getting bored! Let me tell you,there are not many shows who are able to do that! Farscape manages to do so with ease. I think there are many reasons why this show is great! 1). The combination of CGI and Jim Henson's Creature shop muppetry give the show a look never seen before.

2). Character development. Events and relationships do have an effect on many of the characters. Example "John Chrichton" (the main character)is a changed man at the conclusion (Peacekeeper Wars)!

3). Great characters. You will love them,hate them,love them again,hate them again,love them again! The alien characters portray more human feelings than you expect. The characters have their good sides but also their bad sides. There is more to them than meets the eye! Because of this you really will care for these characters!

3). Great storytelling. Maybe a lot of plot lines have been done before in other shows,but in Farscape they manage to give it a twist so that it stays original and fun! Very important to the plot in general is the chaos portrayed in the series. Most of the time many things are happening all at once. From the first episode it is clear that the main characters are on the run,being hunted and will be shot at most of the times,that's why the inside of Moya (living starship where the main characters live)is a mess! You really get the feeling the crew is in danger! And don't have a lot of time to clean up the ship,except to do the necessary repairs! As a consequence you will get drawn into the story! A lot of episodes kept me on my seat,waiting for what will happen next,I laughed, I cried,I cursed! I experienced!

4). Although it is Science fiction and it seems a lot can happen! The show is still realistic! So not every action made by a character can be forgotten or ignored. Like in real life actions have consequences! There are no forced happy endings,like in Star Trek.

I can go on and on! But simply put Farscape is (besides Babylon5)the best Sf series ever made!
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