Charlotte surprises!
18 December 2006
Under normal circumstances I would never have seen "Charlotte's Web". I don't like talking animals, especially pigs, and I hate the corny as heck jokes that are always included in films like these. This time was different, I saw this movie because my cousin, Kyle Peck, worked on it. Naturally we wanted to see his name in the credits. So I wasn't expecting much, but instead I was pleasantly surprised.

Most know the story of "Charlotte's Web", you've either read the book, or seen the 70s cartoon, which I used to adore as a kid. It is the tale of a runt pig who is rescued from death by Fern, played wonderfully by Dakota Fanning, who raises him. After awhile though, the pig, Wilbur, gets worried about becoming bacon. So Charlotte, a spider, helps him by spinning webs with words like "some pig" and "humble". Pretty soon, Wilbur is famous and safe once more.

Its a great story about helping one another, and friendship, so not only will kids be entertained, they will get a lesson too. They will like the zany antics of the farm animals, and adults will enjoy the impressive voice cast, which include; Dakota Fanning, John Cleese, Oprah Winfrey, Julia Roberts, Steve Buscemi, and many more.The cinematography is beautiful since it was filmed mostly in Australia. The music by Danny Elfman is great, he decided to do this instead of "Spider-Man 3" even. I didn't find myself bored either, the pace is very well set. I still didn't like the talking animals, or the occasional dumb kid joke. That's what it is though, a great kid's film, that for once, adults will be tolerate. "Charlotte's Web" is a job well done for Dreamworks, and my cousin! I give it 8 out of 10. Rated G.
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