Bugsy Malone (1976)
What's the fuss about? This is complete rubbish
18 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film wound me up pretty much to the highest degree as have some of the reviews I have read about this film. What is so good about it? It's supposed to be a gangster film but they are all played by kids. I'm sorry but you cannot and shouldn't even try to make a gangster film with kids in all the roles. I think this film was also trying to be funny but I didn't laugh once. Maybe my sense of humour has gone wrong but I suspect not. The story was naff as well, I can't actually remember what it was about but I think it was about some guns blocked with mashed potato or something like that. The scenes with the shootouts in were dull and I don't see how you can be killed by mashed potato. Even an eight year old will question that. I've seen OAP's having a knitting competition that was more exciting than this film. However, you have to commend those kids for even bothering to be in a film as embarrassing as this.
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