Great if you are a WHO fans but pretty shabby for anyone else
15 December 2006
Fans of the later DR. WHO series (such as those with Tom Baker or Peter Davison) will probably see a lot of inconsistencies with this film (such as the Doctor actually being called "Dr. Who" for the only time on film and his being human and not from the planet Gallifrey). This is because the movie is based on the early Dr. Who character created for William Hartnell. Hartnell's Dr. Who was an older man with a granddaughter who accompanied him on his missions. The whole idea of Gallifrey and Time Lords was later added to the Who lexicon. So, don't freak out at this type of Dr. Who--it isn't WRONG, just different.

As for the rest of those viewers, if you aren't a fan of the series, I STRONGLY doubt that this film will do anything but bore you and underwhelm you with the rather poor special effects and sets. Fans of the series, though, know that sets costing $2.76 are the norm for the series and the film actually looks a lot better than the series back in the 1960s (where it was in black and white and its main props were aluminum foil and popsicle sticks).

As for me, I am reasonably well-versed in everything WHO, but I tired of the series decades ago. So, I know a lot of the lingo, but just don't wax philosophical about it and haven't named my children after characters from the show! This is important to know because some who totally adore the series still probably think that this is the greatest movie ever made and any criticism is heresy. But, I am not a WHO-Hater either--it was cheesy fun and that's all it was really meant to be.

It is inexplicable that Peter Cushing was chosen to be the Doctor, as he never played him on the show. Perhaps Hartnell was too old and tired for the rigors of the film, but he had a long movie career so it wasn't like he was an "untried commodity". If the whole notion of the Doctor having multiple lives had already been introduced to the series (it was how they explained Hartnell's eventual replacement), then having Cushing in the role might have made more sense.

Now for the movie itself. The sets sucked compared to most other movies and the matte paintings looked amateurish. The plot, at times, was shallow and silly. and the acting, apart from Cushing, was pretty shabby as well. But the absolute worst aspect of this film was the use of DELEKS. Throughout the series, this was probably the most popular villain (other than The Master) and I have no idea why. They talk in the most amazingly annoying manner in the universe and they seem incredibly easy to defeat and seem incredibly stupid. And, if they had to have the insipid Daleks, there's no sign of their insane creator, the green and goofy Davros. Even the Cybermen (who looked like silver Pillsbury Doughboys) looked scarier! Their cries of "Ex-Ter-Min-Ate" were just silly and I really think a reasonably bright otter could have taken them on and won! This movie is just for Who fans and people with extremely low expectations.
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