The Lost Room (2006)
Utterly Fascinating Puzzle for Smart Viewers
12 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am, I repeat, UTTERLY fascinated with the puzzle which is the premise with this new SCI-FI series. It appears that SCI-FI Channel is finally listening to us and providing real Science Fiction instead of just empty space adventures and endless streams of mindless exercises in bad horror.

The central protagonist, Joe Miller, who is excellently played by Peter Krause, introduces a deftly played brave-smart-everyman quality to this thriller which brings us quickly into the story.

Kevin Pollak shows his true colors early as a fine actor playing the cool-mob-type bad guy.

Dennis Christopher brings a brilliant, oddball weirdness to his role as the volatile, confused dreamer, Dr. Ruber.

But everyone and everything is not what they/it seem(s). And I won't spoil any of the plot line for readers.

Suffice it to say, this is a gem in the making. If all possibilities are to be developed as I think they should be, this is going to be one to remember. Facts are not revealed all at once as in the end of an Agatha Christie mystery. You are not given great big chunks of them but: piecemeal and as far as I can tell this early - not without their own internal mysteries.

You have to only guess what is coming next, and when it comes, something else is brought into the fold which skews or distorts what you first believed.

So far the sophisticated viewer's collective intelligence has not been insulted or compromised.

This is very good writing. It does not rely on special effects for the mystery. The mystery is in the story, the way it should be.

Let's keep it this way! I am hooked. I hope it a series!

Bravo SCI-FI!
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