Good, but not as great as the Blackadder series.
9 December 2006
The Cavalier Years is a Blackadder special made for Comic Relief - and to be honest, it is pretty good. Though it is rather dated and it always tries to stay off the violence (to be honest, Blackadder should display more violence in its historical settings and rather violent eras it depicts (WWI, Medieval era, Revolution)). This episode once again delivers some hilarious liners, and Blackadder is still the cruel, calculating character everybody knows him as, but there isn't much interaction between him and Stephen Fry - Mr. Fry did not depict a king sentenced to death too well. But this is just as classic as all other Blackadders - the abundance of cunning plans, hilarious moments and historically-accurate humour ensure that The Cavalier Years is not one to be overlooked as just "another spin off".

Blackadder: The Cavalier Years may be short, but it is what you would call "a quick blast". Very good, but could have been a bit better. 8/10
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