Seinfeld: The Truth (1991)
Season 3, Episode 2
Pappy eh mash eh, eh?
7 December 2006
Single Favorite Line: (George's girlfriend, Patrice, quoting Thomas Carlyle in the highest toned, high-flown manner imaginable) "Who so only belongs to his age, references only it's popinjays and mumbo jumbos"

Notable Guest Stars: Valerie Mahaffey (as Patrice), Siobhan Fallon (as Kramer's girlfriend / Elaine's roommate, Tina)

Memorable Exchange: (Elaine pops into Jerry's apartment excited...) E: "Kramer!" - K: "Wha-" - E: "-Do me a favor will ya' --if you insist on making pasta in my apartment, please don't put the pasta sauce on the pasta while it's in the strainer --all the little squares have hardened red sauce in them!..." (Jerry looks up, bemused) - E: "What's so funny?" - J: "It's funny" - E: "Huh? huh -it's a riot Alice!" - K (very confused): "When do YOU put the sauce on?" - E: "ANY OTHER TIME!" - K (thinking for a beat): "No, no -I like to strain the sauce" - E:..."And I could really live without the tribal music and make-out sessions in the living room.." - K: "Yeah..Tina LIKES the couch!"

Key Topics: *Pretension * IRS audits *Nakedness *Coffee Tables *Insanity *African Jungle Love

Part I Didn't Like: The falling on the homemade glass coffee table was a tad too predictable.

Very Nice Touch: Everything about Valerie Mahaffey's performance was spot-on beautiful.

7 of 10 --a keeper, showing the best traits of the program
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