Star Trek: This Side of Paradise (1967)
Season 1, Episode 24
Perhaps the best Spock episode
6 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this episode even though the plot seemed a bit silly. The Enterprise come to a planet that was settled by a scientific team some time back. They expected to find everyone dead, as they later realized that the planet's atmosphere was lethal--but everyone is very much alive and tremendously happy. They see their dull little planet as a new Eden and they refuse to leave. The reason for this is a strange plant that shoots spores in everyone's face when they come near it. While the spores DO keep you alive, they also make you so content that meaningful existence and work are not possible. Very quickly, all of the members of the landing party are infected and become happy little idiots--even Spock. For a while, Kirk is not hit by the spores, but even when he is, he is somehow above it all because he's the ultra-macho and studly "JAMES T. KIRK"! His job is to somehow destroy these plants and bring the crew back to the ship--because as of this point, EVERYONE but him has beamed to the planet in search of contentment.

I think the reason I liked the episode so much was seeing Spock for the one and only time on the show as a happy, smiling and laughing person!! The ending is especially poignant when Spock waxes lyrical about losing this--a great dramatic moment that will probably bring all the Trekkies close to tears!! An episode not to be missed.

FYI--Spock's lady love is Jill Ireland--later Charles Bronson's wife.
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