Get a Life (1990–1992)
One of the Funniest Shows Ever
6 December 2006
This show was way, way ahead of its time. Like most innovative and smart TV comedies it died way, way ahead of its time, as well. There is a level of sarcasm on this show that really wasn't present on TV until after it aired. They need, I mean, really need to put out a DVD boxed set of this show's entire run. There are two Rhino DVDs with 4 episodes each on them, but that isn't enough! To think that there are episodes of this amazing show sitting on a shelf somewhere, not being laughed at by the public is a damn shame. I remember this show being a cult classic when it was on, and I was only ten years old! This was a show that cool older dudes {ie: stoners} were into. I remember talking about it with my cool neighbors. (I lived in a groovy neighborhood). Chris Elliot is a comic genius and this show is his masterpiece. Give us a comprehensive DVD set, now!!!!!!!!!!
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