Best American Girl Movie So Far
28 November 2006
I've enjoyed the Samantha and Felicity movies but the Molly movie rocked. Maybe it's just that I am a sucker for WWII movies, but it is also that I thought this was just a perfect movie for 21st century American children to get an idea of what it is like to live during wartime. Maya Ritter did a credible job in the title role; I also enjoyed David AaronBa ker as Molly's dad, and Sarah Manninen as Molly's teacher. But truly, Tory Green did steal the show as Emily, an English girl who stays with the McIntires to keep her safe from the London bombings. Disney should scoop this child up for one of their tweener shows. Very enjoyable, with some cute moments, and some poignancy. I would think most parents will enjoy watching this with their American girls!
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