Dog the Bounty Hunter (2003–2012)
Entertaining, but really stupid.
29 November 2006
I enjoy this show, however it is absolutely stupid. Dog is a bounty hunter. However, Dog can't fight. Dog has a horrible temper, along with his girlfriend (later wife) Beth. He often gets mad and yells at the people and then pretends like their good buddies. He carries mace around and sprays it in people's eyes. This show is entertaining to most, I'm sure, but it is a show full of simpleton idiots that I often can't stand. Sometimes the situations on the show seem almost soap opera or sitcom-y. It's a ridiculous show, and Dog is a bit uneven tempered, though he also seems like a nice guy, so I'm sure most will enjoy the stupid going ons. Dog

My rating: ** out of ****. 60 mins.
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