rather watch water boil
27 November 2006
This movie was awful, not funny and the acting was unfabulously bad bad bad. You want funny and intelligent, watch Adam and Steve. That was a howl. You want romantic, watch Mambo Italiano or Kiss Me Guido. You want a young ensemble cast on a shoestring budget yet enjoyable and lovable, watch Lie Down with Dogs.You want to be bored soft, and watch a gay train wreck with the cast ad libbing and going way over the top, watch this nonsense. Just awful. And the people who did laugh at this? I want the drugs that you are on. The worst acting was done by the character Sunny the real estate dealer. She growls and squinches her face to let us know she is angry and the potential buyers run out of the house. Yeah, that's funny alright. When she gets out of her funk, she dances on tip toes and sings as she twirls around the room. Yeah.... that sounds like laugh out loud comedy.
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