Review of Hombre

Hombre (1967)
A wonderful slice of strength, needed, but not appreciated or loved.
27 November 2006
This film made Paul Newman my favorite male actor for decades. It affected the way I have seen every one of his roles, even his salad dressing. The story line brings John Russell's (Newman) personal strength of character and survival into sharp contrast with many of the other characters' own sense of strength, and therefore the viewers' as well. There are villains all around and innocent (and not so innocent) victims for the taking. Personal values of all kinds (racial, greed, criminal) are set up for display and comparison against Russell's simple personal strength and integrity like a painting competition at a state fair.

My most remembered quote from this film is Russell's response to Dr. Favor(the embezzler)when Favor attempts to educate Russell that white (implying civilized) people stick together and help each other out and Russell responds, "They better".
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