Final Fantasy X (2001 Video Game)
Tidus and Yuna's story is the best yet!
26 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Final Fantasy X is probably one of the few games that can be either picked on or be glorified. X is the best FF game yet, mostly because it is new, different, and the first of the PS2. I personally don't like FFVIII or FFIX because they just don't capture your attention as much as FFVI and FFVII, also because 6 and 7 have a deeper and more intriguing story that kill the others.

Yet, I had very few doubts when I played this game, but I am very amazed by the story, graphics, and how the Video Game described the characters so well it is embarrassing to compare to most games. The new Sphere Grid is very original and interesting, even mores is the Overdrives and new combat system. The Aeons are extremely fun and most gratifying, mainly because unlike the other Final Fantasy games you are able to control the summoned creatures and they just don't perform special attacks ( such as Hellfire, Judgement Bolt, and Diamond Dust ) they use abilities, unique attacks and they look simply amazing. My favorite personally is Anima and Bahamut.

Also the characters act just like real people who perform jobs all day. Tidus is the main character whose story is: He was born in a extremely populated city called Zanarkand. His father was an drunk, selfish, evil man who teased him and payed no attention him whatsoever. Then one day his father just simply vanished. Later just like his father he ends up in Spira 1,OOO years later and finds friends such as Wakka, Lulu, Rikku, Auron, Kimahri, and the wonderful summoner Yuna who embarks on a mission to defeat the destructive monster known only as Sin. This Video Game has wonderful characters that you are bond not to forget for a while including very great enemies. Also the voice over is quite wonderful and every sound is perfect for the character or sound speaking.

Overall: I highly recommend this Video Game to anyone who would love to get away from the world and spend there time in another world not even discovered by astronauts yet. The characters are extremely well described and the voice over is great and it fits for each person. The enemies sometimes really give a challenge that once you overcome you will look back and say " I overcame that. I am proud". The aeon's are remarkably original and the abilities you can achieve for them are amazing and unique. The Sphere Grid is also original and the battle system is entertaining. This is a game for everyone, young, old, teen, , child, woman, man anyone. This is a new world to be explored and one you will surely not forget for a long time. 10/10
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