Date Movie (2006)
Two out of Six IS bad...very, very bad.
25 November 2006
The Scary Movie franchises might be the same old stuff every time, but you could usually find some genuine laughs in all four of them, even if they recycle the same jokes. Both the Wayans' and Zucker made their movies unique to their own style, and on most levels, they each panned out to where you can enjoy them if you just turn your brain off and smile.

Unfortunately, with this movie, that luxury does not exist. It really, really, does not exist. I'm going to take a guess and say that the two of the six writers from the Scary Movie series that took on this project, were the ones who had the luxury of writing the most obvious jokes from the film series (i.e. the 'i've taken balls to the face before' line from Scary Movie 4).

Unfortunately for everyone, or maybe fortunately if you think my writing or opinion is crap, I can't give this a full review. What I can do though, is honestly state that this is the only movie in the past few years that I have purposely turned off. Oh yes, I sat through Phat Girlz, and yes, I sat through Kangaroo Jack. This one, however, I just could not muster up the strength to make it. I got maybe a half hour in before I just walked away.

If you're a parent, or are around a child of about ten-twelve years old, imagine every joke that you have heard from that child, and you've pretty much got the script of this movie. And unless said child is a miniature George Carlin, you know that is a bad sign. You can see every joke coming about ten miles away. Even if you know what movie they're about to make fun of, you can still accurately guess which parts they will be parodying, and I use that term very loosely. Not only is this movie obvious in its attempts at mustering up laughter, it's sometimes just painful to watch because the jokes are so rehashed that you might find it uncomfortable to view because you know that at the time, these people actually thought this would be a good idea.
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