Rest Stop (2006 Video)
Well Disguised Crap
25 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So when I first saw the trailer for this movie, it looked as if it could be either a run of the mill horror movie, or maybe it'll have something of merit. Usually you can spot which movies are going to be bombs or are just flat out laughable (i.e. House of the Dead). But sometimes in life, there are a few movies that creep up on you, and no matter how bad you think it will get, it manages to get worse...with every single minute that passes.

Think of every single horror movie cliché that you can think of, including ones for straight up slasher flicks and some that might have more supernatural connotations. Usually you'll find one or the other, but FUN FUN, in this one, you'll find both! And no, they do not mix. They really, really, really, do not mix.

The acting was standard for horror movie, not too many complaints...until former child star Joey (I mean, Joseph) Lawrence showed up. When this happens, prepare yourselves for the biggest display of overacting this side of a Nicolas Cage action flick. Other things you can look out for in this movie are people who take 20 minutes to die, a main character who may or may not be strung out on LSD, a family in a trailer where every member of the family has a particular 'quirk', and of course, stupidity. What stupidity you might ask? Well, the kind of stupidity where your killer has his back turned to you, whilst your holding a gun and perfectly capable of using it, and just kind of stare at him as if he just farted.

So yeah, do yourselves a favor and wait until this comes on TV at like 2 AM one night. I'm sure it'll pop up on Sci-Fi channel soon enough, because if you spend any money in procuring this movie, you have been ripped off. Even if it's not your own money. Don't be fooled by the snazzy looking cover or promises of a 'gripping suspenseful thrill-ride'. It's just well disguised crap.
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