Don Giovanni (1990 TV Movie)
shocking, simply shocking
22 November 2006
I must admit I was shocked at the beginning of Peter Sellars' inventive re-staging of Mozart's greatest opera. How many opera productions have you seen that begin with a black man raping a white woman? I'm surprised it didn't rate a protest from the NAACP. Nonetheless, I'm grateful I saw it. For all its weirdness this production brought out some realities of the character of Don Giovanni that are simply not found in more traditional performances. There's nothing particularly noble or admirable about a man who seduces women just to get their name in his "little black book"; I can't agree with the interpretation of "Don Giovanni" as a celebration of unrestrained male sexual potency; rather it's a warning about sexual irresponsibility, a classical morality tale. I saw one more traditional "Live from the Met" telecast where, when Don Giovanni began singing his aria "Deh vieni alla finestra" outside a girl's window I had the image of a pedophile standing outside an elementary school. In Sellars' version Don Giovanni is a drug dealer in South Bronx, a man who profits from others' despair. It was a stroke of genius to cast identical twins in the roles of Don Giovanni and his servant Leporello. While not a complete success, it was a nice try and a good bet for people who want to try opera but think it's boring.
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