Logan's Run: Half Life (1977)
Season 1, Episode 6
Jessica Does The Splits!
22 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Logan, Jessica and Rem are attacked by primitive people known as Castouts, but rescued by another group of people known as Positives, who take the travellers to a community protected by a force field. The Positives have developed a method of splitting people into positive ( good ) and negative ( evil ) duplicates. The process is used on Jessica. When complete, the negative Jessica is banished into the wilderness. Logan senses that something is up when Jessica changes her views on Carousel. He and Rem break through the force field and go looking for the negative Jessica, hoping to reverse the treatment...

One of television sci-fi's favourite clichés - the perfectly ordered society with a dark secret - is given another outing here. Kim Cattrall, who plays 'Rama 2' is better known today as that Castout 'Samantha' from 'Sex In The City'. Nice photographic effects as Jessica undergoes the process. At one point we even see her through a kaleidoscope. I wish the negative Jessica was given a bit more screen time though. Apart from a dirty face, she doesn't look all that evil to me. Script by Simon Wincelberg.
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