A Mix of Emotions
20 November 2006
I saw this movie just yesterday and fell in-love with it. It seems like a serious western but then the humor plays in and you would never know it was a love story. Near the end you don't know how to react the plot was so unexpected. I loved to twist and turns its a movie i wouldn't mind seeing more than once just for the excitement. I highly recommend it. One minute you expect bank robberies and shootings but you find yourself watching two people fall in-love. Its ironic how in the beginning of the movie he's fooling her to love him then the next he's fooled himself. You want them to live together but she lets the fantasy of their love get in the way of it. This movie shows that you can't have love through lies only through honesty. And i think that this has helped me to know how to live the rest of my life.
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