Spider Riders (2005–2007)
Spider Riders v.s. The Invectids
18 November 2006
This show is SO good! I love it a lot. It is funny, it has great action/adventure, great characters. Everything you like in a show is this! I hope this show goes out on DVD because it is so interesting. I like Hunter and Igneus the best. Hunter is funny and Igneus is really cool. I also love Grasshop, he is so funny! My least favorite is Buggese because he is mean. This is one of my favorite anime shows and I hope they keep it going for more seasons. I am myself adding characters for a second season even though there might not be. I am adding one single character because I don't like change. She is a girl Spider Rider and Hunter's new battle partner. Corona is going to get jealous of her(ha ha!) Anyways watch this it is a really good show I hope you enjoy it as much as I so. Tootles from a Dark Oracle fan.
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