Great Message, but somewhat disjointed film
18 November 2006
I'm a huge live music fan (though not a Country Music fan) and have gone to more concerts in the past ten years than I could count. I've heard artists make political statements on both sides of the fence and you know what, whether I applaud or not it doesn't change how I feel about their music. Their opinion is their opinion and they're entitled to it. I wouldn't stop listening to an artist I liked because I disagree with their political views (for the record, I'm a political liberal so the Dixie Chick's statement is something I would applaud).

I'm not a fan of the Dixie Chicks music, but that's not the point of this movie. The movie highlights how the media can blow a simple comment out of proportion and how fickle the public can be. It also shows how divided a country the USA is.

All that being said, while the movie makes its point, its editing misses the mark. It jumps around rather than transitions from 2003 to 2005 back to 2003. The result makes movie feel disjointed, which is unfortunate, because it detracts from the point. All in all, the film is worth seeing for its message... not the political one... the deeper one... what it says about the media and its place in society.
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