When Life is -and still can be- good as it gets
16 November 2006
Les Enfants Du Marais is a wonderful tale not only on account of its evocative imagery, atmospheric scenery and the fact that it is populated by genuine characters you know, once knew, or would like to know - it is a welcome and straight-forward reminder of what is important in life. Friendship and love and the simple but ever compelling pleasure found in physical work and play with a purpose; these are the scenarios in which true happiness is enjoyed to its fullest extent. It's not about tree-hugging, sandal-wearing save-the-world ideas but about true freedom -and what we choose to do with it. We get to witness the futility and sad contrivance of pomp and pride but also the power of change and a spot of kindness. Always without judgement yet never without feeling. This movie is not downright sentimental or nostalgic; it just happens to be good in what might be called an old-fashioned way, and it serves up some great laughs along the way. Above all, this is a movie for movie lovers with their hearts and minds in the right place.
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