This is what the Nazis saw when they opened the Arc in Raiders of the Lost Arc.
15 November 2006
This movie makes Magical Mystery Tour look like Citizen Kane. Hokey! Corny! Horrible! Do yourself a favor and just fast forward to Aerosmith's performance. What a way to Dis the Beatles. George Martin should be ashamed of himself! This movie could have been made by Fellini. It's one freak show after another. Just when you think it's bad, George Burns gets up and sings "Fixing a Hole". He sure fixed the holes in the sides of my head...my ears bled for a week. A better use of this movie would be as a public service to keep kids off of drugs. Peter Frampton is such a dork that he actually makes the Bee Gees look cool. That should get an award in itself. The sets were so cheesy I was expecting Henrietta Hippo and that green frog to pop out from the New Zoo Review. Maybe this movie is really just for three year-olds. Yeah, that's the ticket.
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