Superfluous eighties slasher crap
15 November 2006
There wasn't exactly a shortage of slashers in the eighties, and consequently a lot of the non-memorable ones are just there to bulk out the numbers. This is one such film. Girls Nite Out is yet another slasher flick that takes place on a school campus, and as such; all the characters in the film are your common set of teens. I couldn't detect much comedy in the film, which is odd because the killer is one of the most ridiculous I've ever seen, in that he goes around slashing people while wearing a giant bear suit! There's a bit of decent gore, but it's not nearly enough to mask the drivel of the rest of the film. Strangely, considering that the main characters are all teenagers, there's not a great deal of sex and director Robert Deubel generally fails to create any atmosphere or generate any suspense at every interval. Of course, the fact that the film works from a poor script that doesn't deliver any characters that we can care about has a lot to do with the film's lack of suspense. Overall, Girls Nite Out is not a slasher worth tracking down, and should be actively avoided!
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