Review of Coalition

Coalition (2004)
OK film
13 November 2006
Coalition is about the conflict between the black mob and the Italian mob. They work together to rape the public of their hard earned money until the black mob gets a little too uppity and starts killing the Italian mob's black friends who stand up to them. Moderate to high violence with a lot of beatings, but not too much actual blood footage which makes it a violent movie done in good taste. Cliché characters abound, but it's good to see a black people cast as real heroes who are unwilling to succumb to the gangster mentality. The only thing I have against the movie is that the Italian mob comes to the rescue and hits the black mob. In my book, all mafia mobs of any kind should get summary executions. But we live in America, where known guilt must first be proved before the guilty get off. An A class movie with some acting/dialog issues and a few directing problems.
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