Review of Geppetto

Geppetto (2000 TV Movie)
Seth Adkins
13 November 2006
I love to watch this film often. I especially like Seth Adkins' parts. He is my very favorite young actor and I hope he goes far in his acting career. I am one of his fans and I am always posting message of his Message Board. He did a real good job in GEPPETTO. I liked the part where he sang and danced with Drew Cary and in the part where he sang and dance to that song. I can't quote the words. but he told me that his mom and dad set up a stage for him to practice on and Seth practiced all his lines on GEPPETTO and would go through the acts he had to do for the film. I like Seth smile on GEPPETTO and that laugh he does is unique and shows he loves what he is doing. Seth's most outstanding performance was in TAMING ANDREW OR WHEN ANDEW CAME HOME. I have that film too and watch it often. There is a real Andrew and Seth studied this kid's case and learned all he could about the real Andrew so he could act in the film and Seth did a great job in that film. I think everybody should watch it and see for themselves what an outstanding young actor Seth Adkins is. Watch him smile in all of his films and hear that laugh that he is so noted for. I know Seth will be go far in his acting career.

Here is a quote from GEPPETTO and it goes like this:

GEPPETTO says to Pinnochio "Your the best son a father could ever have" And Pinnochio says. "Even though I am made from wood" and then Geppetto says "It is not what you are made of on the outside, but it is what you made on the inside that counts."
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