Everything most Australian cinema isn't: Good!
11 November 2006
I saw this at a friend's house recently and was blown away. I know it's low budget and all that, but man, talk about money well spent...except maybe for some of the music. But the rest of the film more than makes up for that blip. Classic Sergio Leone homage, with maybe a few touches of Sam Raimi? Possibly a hint of James Cameron in the action bits? Hmmm? No? Well I'm sure these guys must watch a lot of the above filmmakers. Anyway, I would have happily paid to see this in a cinema, but apparently that's still yet to happen. Why? What money grubbing bastard is preventing this? Give me their names and I'll cheerfully persuade them. Sorry, back to the review: Excellent use of locations, dynamic action scenes, no-name actors (but why is that supposed to be so bad?), and some really good characters. Just what is the function of the guy in the red t-shirt in the brothel? Or maybe I don't want to know. Anyway, seven thumbs up.
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