A breath of fresh air
10 November 2006
In an age where most movies are all about the big budget, technical standpoint while the storytelling and acting is often overlooked, comes a breath of air. Finally, might I add. Too often do I see indie flicks that try to "push the envelope" or try to do something that nobody has ever done before. Whether it involve a raunchy plot, buckets of blood, or the only driving force behind the film is its mega-star lead, indie films are not what they once were. Enter the guerrilla filmmakers, who just want to tell a story. They do so with the most minimal of funding and resources, and still come out making a great piece of film.

The Craving Heart is such a film.

The Craving Heart focuses on the one thing in life that truly deserves any kind of focus: love. Love, and its many forms, twists, and surprises. Another user on IMDb claims that explaining the plot would give away too many spoilers. I disagree. The film is about a man who is confused about the woman he's with, while he meets another who may or not be the woman he is actually meant to be with. It sounds mundane, but that's the beauty of the film. Take something that's been done to death, and show the audience something new. Obviously, there's much more to the film (much, much more) but if you're a reader who's on here to find out the entire plot of a film, then maybe you should be on the page of a different film. This one is different. All of the characters are written full of life and meaning, and each deals with their own personal confusion about love and life, and all of their confusion is answered at the film's finale, although it may not be in the way they had hoped.

The cast is superb and the music by Katy J. is emotionally haunting. Director/writer/star Stan Harrington has really paved the way for filmmakers out there who wants to be heard. He proves that it can be done, and I can imagine there will be a flood of new films under the guerrilla style film-making will be all over the country. Hopefully more films like this will survive.
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