Citizen Duane (2006)
Actually... I liked it.
10 November 2006
Sure it had problems here and there but at the end of the day I really enjoyed myself. It's a charming film, not too impactive but charming nonetheless. Douglas Smith does a pretty great job as the film's lead character Duane and he is surrounded by a team of excellent supporting actors. Could this movie have been better? Of course. But then again, so could everything.

At times Michael Mabbot (the film's director) captures some really original moments. While at other times he seems to miss the mark completely. The script does a good job of introducing it's character but it seems to have a harder time keeping them around. For example: Molly (duane's girlfriend) has a string of interesting scenes towards the beginning of the film then mysteriously vanished for a about 45 minutes.

The more I think about it the more things I find wrong with Citizen Duane but then I remember a joke, or a scene or just a moment between Duane and his little brother Maurie and I start to chuckle. I guess I shouldn't think about it too much.

Bottom line: It is an unexpectedly sincere film.
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