Da Block Party (2004 Video)
Da Block Party
4 November 2006
I've watched a lot of low-budget hood movies. Most end up being not halfway terrible, and have some moments, and plots. But this isn't the case with this,I'm pretty sure the star of the movie(Who wears the Mariners jersey and hat the whole movie) is the one who produced this. He made himself have all these hot girls, that wouldn't other wise like him, kiss in the movie. He trys to act hard in front of some white guy, who Spook refers too as "Wigga" who brings the fake permit. You can tell the guy is a straight coward in real life. This movie is exxagerated, and stupid.

The dialogue is just plain garbage, and unfunny, probably didn't have a script. A lot of it is impromptu. Fake, and not funny. If you want to watch a good new low budget film, check out Larry Clarks "Wassup Rockers". This is a joke to even be released, but does feature some very scrumptious black women. None of who would be caught dating any of the losers featured in this movie. Roy Jones Jr cannot act his role, and you wouldn't even know it was him if you didn't read it. Clifton Powel makes a lot of appearances as a cop, and pretty much just said his lines as retarded as he could, probably just in an attempt to get to go home, and get off the set quick enough so he didn't have to hang out with all the losers in the movie.
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