2 November 2006
I saw a screening of this on Monday, and although I was pretty skeptical, I must say I was pleasantly surprised. It has some flaws, and I'm no fan of a lot of the bands that were interviewed, but for what it is, it's a good movie. The director starts of by telling his own story, why and how he got into this kind of music. Then he travels to places like Germany and Norway to interview people and try to find answers to some of the questions people have about metal. It's weird seeing a documentary about this music, since I can relate so much to some of his experiences and feelings. Like how he always has had to defend metal because most people look down on it as a lesser form of music. And how he just doesn't bother to do it anymore, because if you feel it you feel it, and if you don't, chances are that you never will.

I saw this movie with someone who had a very different approach to it than me. I have been into this kind of music for almost 20 years, and she has never listened to it, but came along because she was curious. We both liked it and got something out of it, so that means they must have done something right. For people not into metal, they might learn something, and they might get their preconceived opinions about the music and it's fans adjusted just a bit. For those of us who are into it, we might not learn too much new during the movie, but we can still sit back and let ourselves be entertained.


PS: Cradle Of Filth are NOT Norwegian though ;)
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