Ignore the rating!
30 October 2006
Here's a perfect example of why you have to take the IMDb rating system with a grain of salt -- many of the people who hate the Dixie Chicks because they made an anti-Bush comment will give a rating of 1, even if they haven't seen the film. Pro-Dixie Chicks people will feel compelled to give it a 10 to balance out the 1s. Check the vote graph to see the absurd number of 10s and 1s it's getting.

The truth is, it's a pretty good documentary that's worth checking out. I knew very little about the group before seeing this film, but I'm now more likely to listen to (or buy) their music than I was before. I'm still amazed at the size of the backlash that was created. Hopefully this will open some people's eyes.
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