one perfect film
29 October 2006
One Perfect Day is about a small group of young people whose lives all meet within the art of sounds and visions. As an old disco-holic that stopped looking for driving dance beats after the dullards killed disco in the late 70s I fell out of the music scene and traded my cars woofers, midranges, and tweeters for a minivan and bringing up kids. I caught up just recently with trance and dance music and fell in love all over again. Swing, big band, disco, dance, trance. Other music is nice, but… Back to the movie. Lives are made and lost as drugs and bad decisions from immature people mix in a deadly cocktail that devastates the characters on the dance club scene. In the end, what's left of the good guys win and bring some wonderful sensory sugar to everyone. The casting was excellent as was the sound track, plot, dialog, and cinematography. This goes to show you that excellent movies and excellent actors aren't necessarily made in Hollywood USA. Bravo!!
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