The Prodigy (2005)
A total stinker!
28 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am amazed at the multi-star reviews this film is getting. With 3 friends (2 guys, 1 girl) i watched this at the Edinburgh Film Festival and all of us said it was terrible. Not 'the' worst film ever but in the top 20 stinkers i have seen. Where to start? On paper it looked good, dark gritty action - according to the blurbs anyway. What we got was a film i would expect an adolescent boy and his school pals to make. The dialogue was useless, camera work & lighting were terrible, acting wooden in extreme & the characters totally unbelievable. I didn't recognise many of the people in it, but a bunch of actors from a cheap porno could have done as well. I would advise the makers of this to maybe keep the same camera angle for more than 3 seconds, instead of constant rapid fire changes. Maybe use some lights? i know its meant to be 'dark' but this is ridiculous. Also massive amounts of gunfire & death don't make up for lack of coherent storyline & bad acting. Two other problems - the bad guy is supposed to be tough? why when he is unmasked does he look like a weedy corporate lawyer? Does the suite he wears make him an ultra ninja-terminator only while he wears it? Was this deliberate? He was seriously unscarey. Secondly, Scottish accents. Americans just cant do them, please don't even try. When the main character's sidekick first spoke there were audible gasps & laughs from the audience. We turned to each other in total disbelief & amazement how this could happen in 2006? It was like Brigadoon all over again. So the summary from this 'Scotch-lander' is : don't see this unless you are a teenage gun nut who doesn't mind bad acting, poor lighting, incoherent comic book story lines, unconvincing characters & the worst Scottish accent in 50 years in your movies. Instantly forgettable a D-minus. (PS. My 3 friends would have given this an even worse review!)
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