Guilty pleasure of the highest order
25 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"The Halfway House" is a rather great guilty pleasure.


After her sister goes missing, Larissa Morgan, (Janet Tracy Keijser) decides to go looking for her at the local halfway house, run by Sister Cecelia, (Mary Moronov) a highly religious nun. Thinking the best way to get information is to go undercover in the house, she and Sgt. Dick Sheen, (Shawn Savage) she is snuck in and made a member of the house with the other women there, 'Cherry Pie' Polowski, (Stephanie Leighs) Eddie, (Monica Shere) Angelina, (Athena Demos) Sheila, (Tomi X.) and Shelby, (Saye Yabandeh) and begins looking into the house's past. Discovering a dark secret in the house, she races to save the others from the horrible truth present.

The Good News: Rarely has there been a film more concentrated on having fun. It's mostly a series of scenes that are only concerned with getting satisfaction out of it. The near constant nudity and lesbian scenes are the perfect indication of that, as it reveals in them and constantly features both. It's always a pleasure to see those elements featured so prominently in the film, as it makes the film a little more enjoyable. The different forms of capitol punishment used all throughout are also prime examples. The gag with the Vaseline is the special standout and will no doubt be its most memorable as well. There's a couple of nifty death scenes, including a hand cut off with hedge-clippers, a knife thrown into a back, several munched to pieces and more, all in good, dirty fun. The special effects add to it, despite being cheesy. The surprise in the dungeon will speak for itself, and is the height of cheese. That's really all it is, a highly cheesy movie that reveals in it and doesn't really do much more.

The Bad News: One of the only problems with this one is that it's goofy tone might be a bit much for some to take. It's tone is an acquired taste as it's not exactly a forgiving tone. This is the only problem with the film, as far as I could tell.

The Final Verdict: It's tone will mostly be the reason why this isn't' recognized as a much better film, as it's goofy tone is a major plus to it. Highly recommended for those that enjoy this kind of film, while those that like it a bit more serious are expected to exercise caution with this one.

Rated R: Nudity, Graphic Language, several sex scenes of both sexes and Graphic Violence
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