Review of Play Motel

Play Motel (1979)
Sleazy Italian Pseudo-Giallo-Mystery-Porn-Comedy Hybrid...
19 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
PLAY MOTEL is one of those 70s Italian films that you would figure would come from the film-stable of someone like Joe D'Amato of Jess Franco, or one of the other Italian Exploit Kings- relatively "normal" storyline, with some hardcore sex footage for good-measure. This one plays out like a strange amalgamation of genres, and is often disjointed and hard to follow at times, but the sleaze-level is pretty high, so I dug it in that respect...

The Play Motel has a secret room for more "discriminating" customers where they can take their girlfriends, wives, hookers, etc...for kinky sexual liaisons. They even have costumes and props for their lucky guests. Anyway, what some of the patrons don't know, is that the motel also operates a blackmail ring where suggestive pictures are taken from an adjacent room and then used to blackmail the sex-room's occupants. A businessman, the police, an actor and his girlfriend, a sleazy photographer, a black-gloved giallo-style killer, and a few others are all embroiled in the "mystery" of trying to get to the bottom of the blackmailing ring...

PLAY MOTEL's storyline is often confusing and a bit over-ambitious for what is essentially a sloppy skin-flick - but it works for the most part. Entertaining for all the fur on display if nothing else, and the "mystery" end of it is handled relatively decently. Not a great film by any stretch - but fans of this sort of 70s-era attempt at melding hardcore sex and a "serious" storyline will no doubt enjoy - oh, and the "theme song" and soundtrack in general are priceless...7/10
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