Without Words (2006)
Great movie
15 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great movie. I saw it the other day at home it made me cry. Itz about a girl named Suet and she got into an accident and her guardian angel said she can live for 5 days. She is a mute girl and in a relationship with a musician who she's gonna marry. She doesn't seem to talk but use hand signing to talk to him. But she doesn't tell him that she's going to die soon. So she just spends a lot of time with him doing things like fishing. And he tells her a story about the 'little surf.' The last night she has with him she tells him she loves him when he's asleep. The next morning he wakes up and see her sleeping next to him and he tells her that he had a dream that she spoken to him. He then goes to work the next day and his worker, Eva, tell him that she loves him very much. And she would gladly be his mistress. He declines saying he loves Suet very much and that she's an orphan and he doesn't have any feeling for Eva. He then goes home and he finds a notebook that she made for him. He then flip to the end of the notebook and see a disc which she sang to him. He then gets a phone call from his worker, Eva, that Suet went to her and she said she's going to die. You then see her at a cemetery and she making a speech about her death. He then finds her and they hug. He then married her after that with her guardian angel as the priest. When they both say,'I do' they have a long kiss and then she slowly dies in his arms. At the very end you see him at the dock throwing her ashes.
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