Regardless of the political statement...these Chicks rock!!
17 October 2006
I saw this movie tonight not knowing very much about the Dixie Chicks or their music. However, I walked away loving these girls and their music AND for what they stand for. This is a wonderfully entertaining documentary and it really gives great insight into the real life of talented showbiz types who do it their way regardless of what you or I think, or their record company for that matter. By now, everyone has heard of the comments made and the fallout from it. I think this movie can be enjoyed by anyone who is open-minded enough to listen to an opposing viewpoint, and still enjoy the movie for what it is. The movie totally opened my mind to the MUSIC of these terrifically talented women and made me an instant fan. It was just gravy that I agreed with the singers comments, but then again, even though I knew nothing about them previous to this film, I agreed with her comments as reported in the media a few years ago. A must-see and totally entertaining look at this history-making trio!!
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