Review of Intensity

Intensity (1997 TV Movie)
16 October 2006
When I read Dean Koontz's "Intensity", I thought it was the most exciting book I'd ever read. I was thrilled to find the movie on TV and delighted to have been able to catch it on tape.

Although there are some holes in the plot, it is so consistently riveting that I barely noticed those indiscretions. I do wish there had been more mention of Chyna's motivation for so boldly risking her life. The book explains (very well, I think) what drives her behavior, but if you see the movie before reading the book, you're left wondering if she's even crazier than her adversary.

Flaws in the plot or screen writing aside, I thought the acting was superb, especially McGinley's chilling portrayal of the ultimate adrenaline junkie. He manages to paint him not as the deranged nutcase that we'd expect, but rather as an evil and sadistic, yet perfectly sane and sensible sociopath. And THAT is the scariest aspect of the movie.

I would highly recommend this movie for anyone who likes a good thriller. It's well worth the 4 or so hours that it runs, if you can find it on TV. You may catch a flub or two, or even not like it at all, but I bet you'll never forget it!
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