For the love of God, don't waste your time!
14 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I submit that this is one of the worst films of the 21st century. Insipid plotting and dialog and inefficient acting even from seasoned pros like Talia Shire and Burt Young. This was advertised as a feel-good romantic comedy. If this is a feel-good comedy, then "War and Peace" must've been a laugh riot.

Granted, this film garnered an 'R' rating for good reasons. There are scenes of drug use and gratuitous nudity which, frankly, did not advance the plot one whit. The entire film seemed to flirt with borderline porn in both the editing and the directing and the music on the soundtrack seemed to be for a different movie altogether.

Please do not waste your time on this movie. It will be ninety minutes of your life you can never get back!
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